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Frequently Asked Questions

Useful information about your stay at Kounenos Apartments. We share the most frequently asked questions and their answers. Do not hesitate to ask us for more information.

Can I get internet access at Kounenos Apartments?

Yes we have FREE fast WIFI in all the rooms.

Is Kounenos Apartments situated in a noisy or busy area?

Kounenos Apartments are situated in Kalo Chorio, in the most perfect location, away from hustle and bustle of the city noise.

How far is the nearest beach?

There are 3 beaches within a kilometre of the property, with Golden Beach being the best known.

How far is the airport at Heraklion?

Kounenos Apartments are located approximately 80 km (1 hour) from the “Nikos Kazantzakis” International Airport of Heraklion.

What languages does the hotel staff speak?

We speak fluently Greek and English.

What time is check in and check out?

CHECK OUT time is 08.00-12.00 midday and CHECK IN time is after 14.00.

Is there a swimming pool at Kounenos Apartments?

Yes, at Kounenos Apartments there is a swimming pool where all guests can relax and enjoy quiet moments under the hot sun!

Are pets allowed at Kounenos Apartments?

Personally, we adore pets, but not all guests at Kounenos Apartments are charmed by them. We appreciate your understanding.

What activities can I do at Kounenos Apartments?

Kounenos Apartments can bring you in touch and get information to organize water sports, mountaineering, cycling or excursions to explore the island of Crete.

Where should I go during my stay at Kounenos Apartments? Are there any sightseeing nearby?

Please contact us and we will happily suggest to you many locations you must visit.